About Me

Play It Again: Gaming Computer Fundamentals When my husband developed a passion for playing online games, I had to take a crash course in gaming computers and the technology that they depend on. After seeing the lag that insufficient hardware led to, I knew I needed to do something. I wanted to be sure that he had what he needed for his games to run smoothly. That's when I started to research how all of the components worked together and what truly made a quality gaming system. I created this site to introduce others to the fundamentals of gaming computers and what they need to know to build a system that will run today's resource-heavy games.

Why You Need A Nanopositioner

If you work in any optical industry, chances are that you can benefit from the use of a nanopositioner.

These are devices made up of one movable component housed in a frame. The moving part can move across all axles without causing movement in other areas. The operator can also provide specified inputs and carefully monitor the workings of the nanopositioner and its effects for ultimate precision.

Aside from these important functions, using a nanopositioner with your optical tasks can offer many excellent advantages overall.

Easier Alignment

Perhaps one of the best things about having a quality nanopositioner is that it will make optical alignments a whole lot easier.

When you try to do an alignment on your own or with other tools, lateral forces on the component often cause problems. Plus, you have no protection against external elements, which also makes alignments much more difficult.

A nanopositioner, however, will eliminate lateral and external forces, making for much easier, faster, and less frustrating alignments every time.

Workable With Ultrafine Particles

Often, you may be required to work with ultrafine particles, which can be incredibly difficult without a nanopositioner and its accompanying software.

When you have a nanopositioner, however, you can constantly calculate the position of various ultrafine particles, allowing you to know exactly where they are at any given moment.

This makes isolating specific particles and using them as needed easier than ever before, which equals faster research processes for you and your staff.

Remote Control

Some individuals need to exert control and perform other functions from long distances from their materials. Thankfully, this is possible with a good nanopositioner.

Most modern nanopositioners can be used remotely both for all of the manual positioning stages and for controlling optomechanical components.

Reduced Manual Labor

Some nanopositioners can actually be connected to software, which then carries out all of your desired tasks for you.

This means that you don't have to do or employ anyone to do manual labor. Instead, you can sit back, let the software do the work, and just record any notes or other information you may need. You'll also reduce the risk of human error and be able to rest easy in the knowledge that your job was done correctly.

In all of these ways and so many more, a nanopositioner can be incredibly beneficial. Consider investing in one for your industry. Just be sure to choose one that has all the features and capabilities you require. Contact a company like nPoint today.
